Fennel Sausage Pizza!

Once the oven gets going the pizza's are quick to bake, about a minute and a half. That requires that the oven temperature is up to 900 degrees F. While the oven is heating up it can be used to cook other things like shortribs or vegetables. When the pizzas are all cooked that's the time to cook dessert! Hahaha even after stuffing ourselves with more dough than we thought would fit in our stomachs there's always that tiny bit of room left for some sweets!
I really wish you could all have this experience of the pizza coming out of the wood fired oven. There's really nothing like it. There's only a few places where you can truly get pizza made in a wood fired oven. The rising of the dough and the changes it goes through to finally become edible always amazes me. It's incredible how a small addition of rye or corn or whole wheat can change the flavor of the dough. It's the same with different types of starters as well. As you feed your starter it becomes your own picking up the wild yeasts in your kitchen as well as from the flour you feed it.
I hope you will get a chance to eat my pizza some time.
In the mean time Have Fun & Enjoy!